Feeding the Homeless :: The Lessons It Teaches My Daughter

Feeding the Homeless :: The Lessons It Teaches My Daughter

I am originally from Dallas, Texas which has a population of 1,317,210 and the latest homelessness point-in-time count, conducted in January 2023, indicates there were 4,244 homeless individuals in Dallas and Collin counties (according to Dallas News).

I go home at least three times a year: Thanksgiving for a week, Mardi Gras break for a week, and at least 2 weeks during the summer. For the most part, my mom, my daughter and I enjoy going out to eat to all of our favorite restaurants while we are there visiting. There is always food left over so I always get a carryout and make sure that whatever homeless person we see on the way home will indeed have something to eat that day. I do not like to waste food and especially knowing that there is someone that is hungry.

Thanksgiving is the time that there is always left overs.

This past Thanksgiving, I went and bought 10 to go containers and I made up 10 meals to bless 10 different homeless that Thanksgiving eve. In return, I am explaining and teaching to my five year old that there are people in this world that God loves just as much as he loves us, yet their situation in life is different than ours. They are not able to have the things we have. It teaches her that her daddy works really hard for us, and we should never take it for granted. We should always give back whenever we can.

Feeding the Homeless :: The Lessons It Teaches My DaughterMy daughter has a huge heart and she actually really wanted to do this with me. She helped me to prepare each container. It was a bonding and a learning experience all in one.

I want to teach my daughter to show other kindness and grace.

Jesus showed us grace on display and we should do the same for others. Show your child(ren) through your actions what grace looks like in everyday life. Therefore teaching them that everyone is deserving just as we are despite their situation in this life.

So now everywhere we go, my child will recognize if someone is homeless and possibly in need. Even here in Acadiana, she is willing to give up her snacks that she may have at the time. We started keeping bottles of water in the car so that if we come across someone, we can at least provide them with hydration.

There are so many valuable lessons that we as parents should teach our children and I might miss a few but I know that I have for sure instilled compassion and God’s love into this little soul and heart. For that I am grateful.

Kim Negrete
I am a Wife and A 1st Time Mommie@49 years of age, to A Beautiful Miracle Baby Girl. I am originally from Dallas, Texas and Have been in Cajun Country since 2005. Prior to my daughter's birth which gave me my Dream Job as a Stay at Home Mom I was in the hospitality industry and before that the transportation industry. My Husband is From Mexico and is in Construction . We love to do Destination Birthdays at The Beach and Travel to Dallas as often as possible to see MiMi. We Love GOD and Put him 1st in All things we do. We Love to just hang out at home in our backyard and enjoy our Daughter... We are The Negrete's Party of Three😇