I Don’t Feel Like the Other Catholic Moms

I Don’t Feel Like the Other Catholic Moms

Lafayette is a very Catholic-heavy population. As a devout Catholic, I am thankful for this! We have a great Parish where our family is thriving. You can throw a rock and hit another parish just down the road. There is an abundance of Catholic schools for kids of all ages.

Despite all these options, I often still feel out of place.

Our family prioritizes faith, but it doesn’t look like a rosary every night. We are also about to send our oldest to public school, while many of her friends are attending Catholic schools. While friends are celebrating Catholic Schools week, we are celebrating getting into the French Immersion program

We attend mass every Sunday, but our kids are not in matching outfits. We say blessing before meals and are able to squeeze in a St. Michael prayer pretty regularly, but we are not saying a rosary each night before bed. Sure, we watched “Prince of Egypt” last week, but we also have watched a lot of Disney, too.

I am also a working mother…a working mother with absolutely zero desire to stay home with her kids full time. Usually when this comes up in conversation, I have to justify my feelings. “I love my family, but….”. No one has asked me to do that, but I internalize the pressure to explain why I don’t want to be home full-time. It’s not often I hear other Catholic moms say, “I love my family AND I love my job AND I love doing both!” Yes, I work to pay our bills, but I also work because I enjoy it. It is not simply and means to an end. 

As I wrestle with these feelings, I remember that Jesus did not call us all to be the same.

I Don’t Feel Like The Other Catholic Moms

When I internalize feelings of being an outsider, I try to root myself back in truth: we are to love our neighbor, and love ourselves. We are not called to live the same lifestyle. We are not called to all attend the same schools. We are not called to even attend the same parish. I want to love Jesus and teach my children to do the same, and no two ways of loving are the same. 

For the moms who feel pressure to do all the right things: you’re not alone. 

For the moms who feel no pressure and do what they know is in the best interest of their family: teach me your ways!

Let’s not forget, Jesus had 12 best friends, and we all know how vastly different those guys were. Support one another. Celebrate differences. Be each other’s best cheerleader. 

Jessica Hauerwas
Jessica is a nonprofit leader who loves bopping around Lafayette for the best burgers or bands in town. She is the Executive Director of Downtown Lafayette Unlimited where she runs the day-to-day nonprofit. She and her husband Chris have three littles at home (Jane, Clark, and Louise) where there is lots of giggling and always a cup of coffee brewing. Jessica is passionate about community-building and empowering working mothers. Jessica also volunteers for various organizations, is a member of the Lafayette Re-Entry Coalition, a graduate of Leadership Lafayette, and a survivor of being a mother of three under 4.


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