Why I Love My Kindle

Why I Love My Kindle

Why I Love My KindleI am an avid reader and I read just about anything! A few years ago, I decided to stop buying books. Books aren’t cheap, and they take up space. So I began to exclusively read books from the library. We would venture to the library each week, my kids would get a few books, and I would scope out the adult fiction section and check out some books as well. This system worked well, until recently.

With 3 kids ages 5, 3, and 1, taking my time at the library to find books is nearly impossible. So, I told my husband that I wanted a Kindle. I didn’t need anything fancy, just something I could read on.

Originally, I thought I wasn’t going to enjoy reading on the Kindle, but now, 5 months into owning a Kindle here’s what I love: 

  • It’s Quick and Easy 

When I am looking for a new book, it just takes a simple search and I can click on what I want and download it right then and there and start reading immediately! 

  • Amazon, Goodreads, it’s all connected! 

My Kindle automatically connects to my Goodreads account, so it updates what I am reading without me having to do anything. Additionally, because Kindle is through Amazon, it keeps up with the history of what I purchase, and read through Kindle Unlimited and so now I get book recommendations from both Amazon and Goodreads without having to even search for anything. 

  • Kindle Unlimited 

For $11.99/month you can subscribe to Kindle Unlimited and download and read anything from the unlimited library. As a teenager, my dad once set me loose in a Books-a-Million with $100 and I spent it all on books and read them all within a few months, not much has changed as an adult. With Kindle Unlimited, I have been able to keep up my book addiction without having to spend too much on it. 

  • Kid Profiles

I can download books for my kids, and have created a profile for each of my kids, where they can easily access their books. They can’t exit their profile without entering the PIN, which ultimately stops them from opening one of my books and messing up my place (reading mom problems).

If reading is something you love and that you find yourself doing often, I suggest you look into a Kindle, it is the perfect accessory for a mom who loves to read!


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