Real Housewives :: Hidden Messes in Acadiana

I used to think I was a horrible housekeeper until my husband took the kids on a trip for a week. It was then that I realized something. I was easily

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able to keep the house clean. Laundry, dishes, grime, clutter … all manageable. At that moment I realized: It’s not me, it’s them!

“My living room is clean. I’m tempted to set up a camera and make a time lapse video of it turning back into disarray. It should only take about 10 minutes.”

This was my Facebook post from two years ago. And nothing has changed. I try … I really do … to keep a clean home. Some days I aim to tidy in quick Mary Poppins fashion, other days I feel inspired to conquer the world by folding the pile of laundry in the chair into a neater pile on the sofa. However, most days I think to myself, “Why bother? It’s just going to get messed up again within the hour.” You see, I have three velociraptors and a T-Rex whose life mission is to destroy my home in record time.

Y’all, we mamas here at Lafayette Moms Blog get it. Keeping up with the day-to-day housework is so overwhelming. Many times I know I feel like a failure when I can’t keep up. We want to stand with you, Mama, in solidarity! We want to show you that our homes look like your home and that it’s ok if you can’t do it all today! Because we can’t either! So just to prove that we are also treading water in the cascades of laundry and the sea of crumbs, here are pictures of our own messes:

Disclaimer: we chose to remain anonymous because our moms read all of our posts, y’all. 

“One day we’re gonna have a garage sale, honey!”


“Now kids, what’s our number 1 rule? No guests are allowed in the guest room!”


A place for everything and everything in its place. The floor … the floor is a place.


Day 3 of Kindergarten…


“If you need me to read it, sign it, or return it … just put it by my purse.”


I wonder how long that piece of cheese has been there?


“But Mom, my firefighter hat and my megaphone need to be easily accessible at all times in case of an emergency!”


Check out those empty toy baskets sitting there mocking Mom…


“We (almost) cleaned our room …”


“Phew! Cleaning out the teepee was such hard work!”


“Honey, I think we outgrew the laundry basket…”

So listen, Mamas. Just push over that freshly laundered pile, or climb on top of the mountain, and let’s just accept the fact that our homes will not be pristine right now. Let’s embrace our messes and own them! Because one day, we will be able to keep our homes clean. When that time comes, our kids will be well into adulthood raising their own families and stressing about how to get all the things done in one day.

Side note: If your home is clean at least 90% of the time, you are a unicorn, my friend. That, or you have managed to clone yourself. Either way, we all stand in awe and jealousy of you. And we give you full permission to wear that “Spotless House” Mom Scout badge with pride!

As for me? I get a ribbon for wearing matching socks today. I win!

Casey Hilty
Casey Hilty has been married for over 12 years to her beau, Bo, and has three kids ages 11, 9 and 6. She is a published author and just released her first book Her Children Arise - a Bible study for moms. She is an active member of The Bayou Church and leads a Bible study group for moms called MOMentum. Casey is also an artist and member of the L’Acadian Art Guild. Her family shares a passion for the people and culture of Haiti and Casey and her husband lead annual mission trips there. The Hilty Family lives on a small (itty bitty, teeny tiny) “farm” in New Iberia with their kids, dog, cats, goats, a bunch of chickens and one rooster. You can follow Casey on Instagram @caseyhilty or on her website at


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