Today I Choose to be Grateful

Recently, I have been reflecting and thinking about how great my life is. This sounds very boisterous, but if you talk to me on a daily basis, you would know that I complain about everything. Full-time working mother of three. Full-time after-school chauffeur to two big kids. Full-time laundromat, butt wiper, and booger burglar. Part-time housekeeper, chef, and dish washer.  Ex wet nurse. The list goes on and on. So I am essentially a mom; that’s it.

Today I Choose to be Grateful

For the most part, I am never unhappy for longer than five minutes. This is truly a way for me to quickly vent my frustrations with my spouse, friends, and co-workers and then move on. But I am tired of complaining about everything because it really does bring me down and becomes an unhealthy, vicious cycle. Perspective; this is something I need to explore and familiarize myself with. I have friends who are dealing with sick children and parents, natural disasters and complete devastation, lost jobs, and divorce. People around the world and in my community are homeless and live day to day unsure of where their next meal will come from. These are real problems and not something that I have ever experienced.

Things I am Grateful For

I have an amazing job that allows some flexibility for me to participate in my children’s active lives. My children are interested in learning new sports and activities that myself and my family are able to support. I have a large, healthy family that makes a lot of dirty clothes and dishes living their life. I have a large house in my neighborhood of choice, that keeps my family safe, sheltered, and nourished. I was able to breastfeed all three of my children a lot longer than other moms.

All of these things make me happy and bring me joy; it is all dependent on the attitude I choose to have while living my life. I want to choose to be more positive. This doesn’t mean that life will always be rainbows and unicorns, I know that is unrealistic.

But for today, I choose to embrace and love the snotty left shoulder I wear to work every day because I know there is going to be a time when I can no longer hold that baby on my hip and have him bury his head in my chest.

Lauren James
Lauren is a native New Orleanian that was transplanted to Lafayette in 2008 by her husband of 11 years, Daniel. She has a B.S.N. from Louisiana State University – School of Nursing and a M.S.N. from the University of South Alabama. Her “paying gig” is as a Nurse Practitioner with a focus in Quality/Infection Prevention at a local hospital. Her other full-time gig is as keeper of her home and mom to William 7, Mary Kathryn 6, and Benjamine 2. Most of her days at home are spent picking up toys and socks off the floor so the family Bernese Mountain Dog, Tipper, does not demolish them. When she has a spare moment, she enjoys reading crime novels, playing board game with her kids, cooking and baking foods that are not on her diet, and finding any reason to celebrate by drinking her beloved champagne. To burn off a few calories and any leftover energy, the family enjoys walking or riding bikes on the shaded boulevard on which they live. Lauren has fallen in love with the people and city of Lafayette and is very proud to raise her family here and to now call it home.


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