
Sicily Smith

Sicily Smith
Sicily grew up in Acadiana and graduated from UL Lafayette in 2011 with a degree in fashion merchandising and design. She has spent the last decade moving around the world while her husband served in the military. She returned to Lafayette in 2022 to raise her four daughters in Cajun country. Her daughters Evie(9), Talulah(6), Gemma(4), and Sylvie(1) keep her house messy, her schedule busy, and her heart full. These days she’s traded her fancy clothes for a strong cup of coffee, comfy leggings, and a good book. Her hobbies include going to local music festivals and farmers markets, trying new restaurants, running, and starting a bookclub with her daughters. She is also currently writing her first children’s book.

Tell Me You’re A Girl Mom Without Telling Me You’re A Girl Mom

I have closets over flowing with princess dresses and tutus and leotards. I own more stuffed animals and dolls than I can count. We have tiaras, hair bows, and jewelry galore. Frozen, Moana, and...

Peaches, Peaches, Peaches :: A Review Of The Super Mario Bros. Movie

The “Peaches” song gets stuck in your head right? So catchy! We have all been singing it around the house. If you don’t know what I’m talking about then you definitely need to take the...