4 Words for 2024…

4 Words for 2024…

2024 is here, ready or not! A new year means new beginnings. 

Recently, I saw this image on Facebook about words you see will be your Mantra for 2024. 

I will share my four words, the definitions, and then my interpretation of what it means for my life and this new year. 


​​Dictionary.com defines change as “ to become different, to become altered or modified.” Lots of people want to change in the new year. In some aspects, I could change a few things to better myself, maybe like eating healthy, exercising, and losing weight. But sometimes I think “Do I really want to change myself and my identity? Or should I just continue to move forward growing in a better direction for myself and my family?” Change can be a continuation of something that makes you the best version of yourself. In the end, we change and adapt everyday in some way. It is up to us to see the change and the growth around us. I constantly want to use everyday in 2024 to change into a better version of myself. 4 Words for 2024...


Power can mean a few different things. When I think of Power, I think of strength. Recently this year, someone gave me a journal. Inside the journal were a few words, but the word she chose to describe me was strength. I really do not think I have power or strength, but she saw something in me. Maybe it was my determination and grit? Maybe it was because I never want to give up or reach failure? I want to constantly keep going and showing up for those around me. “The ability to do or act of doing or accomplishing something” is one of the meanings of power via Dictionary.com In 2024, I will have the power and strength to accomplish some great things for myself and my family. 


You might think love is an easy word to define, but it is a feeling. Something we can not touch or see. Sure, we love a lot of things in life. I deeply care about a lot of people and would say I love them. This year, I want to make sure my family and friends are loved and cared for everyday. I want them to be able to count on me and know that I am there when they need me. Dictionary.com states that“ Love is a strong feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection.” 


I am a teacher, of course, I know the meaning of lesson. I make lesson plans for my students in the hope that they learn and master the skills or the concepts. We teach kids and people around us certain lessons in hopes they remember them in the future. Lessons most of the time build on each other. Dictionary.com explains that a “lesson is a section into which a course of study is divided, especially a single, continuous session of formal instruction in a subject.”


This year, I hope to have more experiences that lead to life lessons. I hope to give my son meaningful learning experiences and lessons that he will remember in the future. When I head to church on Sundays, I hope that the pastor’s Word or lesson is one that will teach me a little more about myself and how to be a better person. 




In my life, creation is always something I think about when I hear the word beginning. Maybe because I always think of the creation story. Dictionary.com states that creation means “the act of producing or causing to exist. The act of creating.” When I taught younger students, they were always so eager to visit our maker space and create something new with basic supplies. Their little eyes would light up as they shared their creations with me and their fellow students. Creation sparks when something new arises. Maybe this year, something new and exciting will be created and possibly bless myself and my family? 

Try it out! Look below and what 4 words do you see? How can you relate those 4 words to yourself in 2024?

4 Words for 2024...

Natalie Chustz
Natalie is a mom to an energetic busy 5 year old, Brody, and a wife to Andrew. They live together in Opelousas, Louisiana. She was born and raised in Lafayette until 2021. Natalie graduated from UL in Early Childhood Education and ULM in Educational Technology Leadership/Instructional Coaching, and has been working in the education field since 2012. Recently, she became her own boss in two different ways. One is with Pampered Chef and the other one is with Chustz 3: Camp, Creativity, and Chef, LLC. Brody is constantly teaching her that motherhood is the greatest and most rewarding gift and that every day is a chance to make memories together. You can frequently find Natalie helping others, planning and reaching her goals, and living everyday to the fullest... Livin' my best life is one of her favorite mottos that hits home especially during the summer months when she is on "Summer vacay" due to teacher life. In her downtime, she likes to plan vacations/camping trips, read, and write when not tending to her son and new puppy.