Amanda Guidry
Keep Going :: A Poem For Moms
Keep Going :: A Poem For Moms
When things get rough,
Keep going.
When the days are long and the nights are longer,
Keep going.
When it seems like the terrible twos will last forever,
Keep going.
When your teenager...
My Breaking Point With ADHD
My Breaking Point With ADHD
Back in the spring, my six-year-old son was diagnosed ADHD. This came as no surprise to us as it is something we had long suspected. He is like the Energizer...
Leaving School For Summer
Leaving School For Summer
The end of the school year is rapidly approaching. The excitement is palpable. So many fun activities are planned to end the year in a high note. Everyone is counting down...
The Finality Of The “Caboose”
The Finality Of The "Caboose"
That last baby...
Not everyone has this luxury, but I knew when I had my youngest that he would be the last. He would forever be our caboose. I am and...
April Is Autism Acceptance Month
April Is Autism Acceptance Month
Every year, Autism Acceptance Month is celebrated is April, with World Autism Awareness Day falling on April 2. This is the 17th year this is officially recognized and celebrated.
Autism Spectrum...
I Guess I’m Getting Old…
I Guess I'm Getting Old...
Last week, I went for my annual eye appointment. To my surprise, my prescription had changed slightly. The doctor, who shall remain nameless for his safety, told me that this...
What Your Child’s LEAP Score Does And Does Not Affect
What Your Child's LEAP Score Does And Does Not Affect
LEAP testing is around the corner for most public school students in Louisiana. There is so much emphasis on standardized testing - so much pressure...
6 Things About Growing Children That Nobody Talks About
6 Things About Growing Children That Nobody Talks About
It happens to everyone, right? Our kids grow up. I thought I mostly knew what to expect since I am the oldest in a very large...
The World’s Okayest Mom
The World's Okayest Mom
The truth is, I'm burnt out.
I'm sure many of you can relate. The pressures of being an awesome mom, an amazing wife, a top level employee, an expert financial advisor, a...
It’s Okay If Your Kids Share A Room!
It’s Okay If Your Kids Share A Room!
I was speaking to my son’s occupational therapist over the phone recently. I know better than to try to speak on the phone in public places, but...