Lacie Soileau
I Have ADHD, Now What? :: My Adult ADHD Diagnosis
I Have ADHD - Now What? My Adult ADHD Diagnosis
I have always been “a lot.” Let me go into further detail as to what I mean by that statement. I have a very big...
How I Accidentally Became A Runner!
How I Accidentally Became A Runner!
My running journey probably sounds all too familiar to some of you reading this. I decided to “get in shape” after the birth of my first child. I had...
I Would Like To Buy A Vowel, Pat! :: My Wheel Of Fortune Experience
I Would Like To Buy A Vowel, Pat! :: My Wheel Of Fortune Experience
Even as I am writing this I am still floored by the fact that I was featured as a contestant on...
You Are Who You Are
You Are Who You Are
My daughter has the most amazing soul for a ten year old girl. I know that most people brag about their children, and of course, that is to be expected,...
How Waking Up at 4:00am Changed My Life And How It Can Change Yours...
How Waking Up At 4:00am Changed My Life And How It Can Change Yours Too!
That sounds crazy right? Waking up a few hours earlier than normal can’t really be life changing, can it?! Well...
I Promise To :: A Letter From A Teacher
I Promise To :: A Letter From A Teacher
I promise to always protect your child to the best of my abilities.
I know the world right now is a scary place but trust me...
Man’s Best Friend :: Our Best Friend
Man's Best Friend :: Our Best Friend
“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” -Rodger A. Caras
I was never much of a dog person. Growing up, we never had many...
Your Worth Is Not Determined By Your Likes
Your Worth Is Not Determined By Your Likes
We live in a world that is immersed in technology and social media.
Bought something new - post a picture of it!
Had something exciting happen in your family...