Don’t you miss being young and naïve? When you were full of wonder and awe, ready to take on the day with child-like enthusiasm. When did that end for you? Can you remember the day you “grew up”? Was...
Within days, if not minutes, of losing a child, information about the grieving process is presented in any means necessary. Maybe it's because of where we were situated at the time of our loss, but for us, it feels...
As usual, the traffic is bad, my child is screaming, and the wait at the drive thru line seems to be endless. I’ve been up since 4:30 with a child that refuses to settle in bed peacefully and watch...
In this day and age, just about everyone understands that work sometimes occurs outside of the normal 8-5, Monday through Friday. Being a boss means sometimes you must take care of certain issues yourself. Not everything can be delegated...
Our family just welcomed our caboose and third bundle of joy into our family last week. Of course, I am absolutely enamored with my cotton top little man, but it was touch and go for a couple of days....
If you haven’t read Part 1 - check that out now! It is how I detailed how we got into travel hacking with credit card points to subsidize our family vacations. This post is how I plan to subsidize a...
I remember the first time I heard the phrase "midlife crisis." I was in high school and my parents' friend had spent a fortune on a fancy new car within his first week of becoming an empty nester. "Well,...
Wow!! It’s hard to believe that we launched Lafayette Moms Blog ONE year ago today!! We have published over 400 posts written by local moms all across the Acadiana region from New Iberia to Carencro to Lafayette to Youngsville to...
I’m sure by now you’ve seen the viral video of a young girl finding out she’s being adopted for her birthday. If not, grab a tissue, and take a look. I shared this video on my personal Facebook page in...
We are now a little over a month into the new school year and I wanted to share a prayer I wrote a few years ago. The prayer is a prayer for their struggles. As a mom, seeing our...




2024 Guide to Summer Fun in Lafayette

2024 Guide to Summer Fun in Lafayette! I'd like to think that the world slows down in summer. However, after a week or so, the...