Laurel Hess
My Love Isn’t Fragile
I saw Frozen 2 over the weekend and while some had warned me that it was grief heavy, I was not warned about the major character transitions that happened in the movie and shook...
DIY a Peloton
I am that girl who will have a gym membership for years but only goes about 4 times. And it’s usually in the summertime so my kids can swim.
I see you Reds. Sometimes, at...
Five Days of Self Care
Self care doesn’t always look like we think it should. I think about self care a lot - because it makes me mad. But that was back when I thought self care looked like...
Oops My Kid Watched The Bachelor
A small group of my besties are obsessed with The Bachelor franchise. Since they all live in New Orleans, I was not subjected to their weekly viewing parties and I often rolled my eyes...
Christmas in July
If you roll your eyes at obsessive, Type-A planners who love a good spreadsheet, then let me save you some time, my friend. This post is not for you!
Christmas is basically the greatest holiday...
Cash is Cool {What My Son Really Wanted for His Birthday}
I could tell by the looks on their faces. Surely she isn’t serious? Cash? A gift card? What kind of kid gets excited about that?
My kid.
Let’s face it. Birthday gifts are hard. Birthday gifts...
Motherhood :: A Lesson in Contradiction
When I was younger, I made a lot of assumptions about how my life would be when I became older and had kids - as one does. And I’m not talking about the typical,...
Meal Planning for the Truly Lazy (Or Busy)
So I have to confess something. I really, really hate cooking. I love to eat. Eating is great - I will do it for the rest of my life. And in abundance.
But cooking?...
An Ode to Taekwondo
I was a pretty extroverted kid growing up - team sports were my jam. Not because I was any good at them (I was really awful) but because I loved being around people.
So, naturally,...
You Don’t Have to do That
I really hated breastfeeding. This isn’t news or revelatory - lots of people also hate breastfeeding. It isn't a secret; I’m pretty open about it. It just wasn't for me. The problem is that...