Laurel Hess

Laurel Hess
Laurel Hess is a mother to 2 young boys, a rescue pup, an off-balance cat and likely a few foster pups. She spends her days as President of a local marketing agency, helping craft integrated digital strategies and leading a team of creative collaborators. Once at home, however, Laurel is just trying to find peace with being the World's Okayest Mom. A Dallas transplant in a Louisiana world, Laurel graduated from Loyola University New Orleans in Broadcast Production. She met her husband while she was evacuated in Lafayette during Hurricane Katrina. They lived 5 wild, kid-free years in New Orleans while Laurel served as the Sales and Marketing Manager for the Superdome, Arena and Champions Square, before finally returning to Lafayette and into the wildest phase of life yet ... Parenthood.

My Love Isn’t Fragile

I saw Frozen 2 over the weekend and while some had warned me that it was grief heavy, I was not warned about the major character transitions that happened in the movie and shook...

DIY a Peloton

I am that girl who will have a gym membership for years but only goes about 4 times. And it’s usually in the summertime so my kids can swim.  I see you Reds. Sometimes, at...

Five Days of Self Care

Self care doesn’t always look like we think it should. I think about self care a lot - because it makes me mad. But that was back when I thought self care looked like...

Oops My Kid Watched The Bachelor

A small group of my besties are obsessed with The Bachelor franchise. Since they all live in New Orleans, I was not subjected to their weekly viewing parties and I often rolled my eyes...

Christmas in July

If you roll your eyes at obsessive, Type-A planners who love a good spreadsheet, then let me save you some time, my friend. This post is not for you!  Christmas is basically the greatest holiday...

Cash is Cool {What My Son Really Wanted for His Birthday}

I could tell by the looks on their faces. Surely she isn’t serious? Cash? A gift card? What kind of kid gets excited about that? My kid. Let’s face it. Birthday gifts are hard. Birthday gifts...

Motherhood :: A Lesson in Contradiction

When I was younger, I made a lot of assumptions about how my life would be when I became older and had kids - as one does. And I’m not talking about the typical,...

Meal Planning for the Truly Lazy (Or Busy)

So I have to confess something. I really, really hate cooking. I love to eat. Eating is great - I will do it for the rest of my life. And in abundance. But cooking?...

An Ode to Taekwondo

I was a pretty extroverted kid growing up - team sports were my jam. Not because I was any good at them (I was really awful) but because I loved being around people. So, naturally,...

You Don’t Have to do That

I really hated breastfeeding. This isn’t news or revelatory - lots of people also hate breastfeeding. It isn't a secret; I’m pretty open about it. It just wasn't for me. The problem is that...