Two days after Christmas, I went through all of the toys in my son’s room and closet. I was "purging." We had not really cleaned out his toy collection in a while, and it was time to get rid...
When inquiring how someone is doing, being "busy" is becoming a popular and accepted response. What does being busy really describe? And, is being busy a good thing? There is an undertone that being busy is some how connected...
I used to think I was a horrible housekeeper until my husband took the kids on a trip for a week. It was then that I realized something. I was easily able to keep the house clean. Laundry, dishes,...
Who doesn't love the smell and feel of a freshly cleaned home?! I don't exactly like the cleaning itself, but it has to be done. Every year, I start "spring cleaning" in January. Blinds are scrubbed thoroughly, curtains are...
I love Costco! What mom doesn’t?! And finding out it would be closer to my home and office than Sam’s Club was music to my ears. No more drives down Ambassador Caffery to get to Sam’s Club?! That was...




1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors

1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors The weather is perfect. Warm, with a slight breeze. Five children play beautifully in the backyard in waves...