Forgiveness is easier said than done right? It took me many years to learn how to forgive and to learn why I needed to, not just for myself but for future generations. It wasn’t until I became a mother that I began to understand the importance of forgiveness and how it will affect my parenting, as well as how they will parent and so on throughout future generations.
Beware the Generational Curse
A generational curse is a habit or behavior that has been passed from one generation to the next. Parents strive to make sure that the life they lead will help their children live a better one. Children practice what they have learned on their own and what they have gathered from generations before them. This is not automatically a terrible thing; however, how does this align with where you are in your own life? The lessons you were taught when you were younger can be a guide for you later in life. If you want to see the trajectory of where your family will end up, looking back often paints a clear picture.
Generational patterns are patterns from a family history that are passed down from person to person through learned behavior. You don’t have to be a victim of things that don’t belong to you. We aren’t our mothers. We aren’t our fathers and forefathers. You had no control over how they lived their lives, but you do have the power over whether you repeat their patterns or end those patterns for good.
Take your power back
I have taken back my power and I have learned by looking back and putting my own self in their shoes that I shouldn’t be mad and hold a grudge against others who failed me, not limited to just my parents but their parents as well and others before them. I began to realize they were not taught to be moms or dads, husbands or wives, and even a friend. Then I began to look at them as children they once were themselves and realized that they were failed and were not provided with the basic essential tools that they needed to prepare themselves for adulthood, for parenthood. And that’s when the softening of the heart begins and the many prayers to God for his guidance to help heal not just me but them as well. For the ones that have passed on, letting go of past hurts has allowed me to remember them in the many good times as opposed to dwelling on the bad. It is such a freeing of the mind body and soul.
Forgiveness is a powerful way to detoxify our consciousness. It allows us to reclaim the here and now by releasing the past and freeing the present. Forgiveness helps us best use the element of time and free ourselves of negative karma. Forgiveness helps us strengthen our ability to parent, to love, and to have healthy relationships with others we encounter in this life.