Disclosure :: this post contains affiliate links. The Honest Truth :: I Hate Working Out I hate to exercise y’all, like hate it. I see women on my socials who love working out, waking up early and going to the gym,...
Navigating Conscious Parenting :: Finding Balance In A World Of Overload - Part I Hey you! Yes you … take a deep breath, everything is going to be okay. She will not remember you becoming annoyed with her for taking...
The Art of "Getting It Together" I’m gonna keep it really real for this one. I am a self-proclaimed procrastinator. A works-better-under-pressure-when-there’s-only-an-hour-left kinda girl. Obviously, this hasn’t made for a very stress-free life, but this is just how I’ve been...
Love Beyond Loss :: A Mother's Day Tale of Resilience and Healing Mother's Day is a time of joy for many, a celebration of mothers and the love they provide. Yet, for those who have lost their own mothers, it’s often...
Being A Good Mom Means Being A Regulated Mom The one thing that I did not anticipate when having children was how imperative it would be to be able to regulate my emotions when my tiny humans are overstimulated and...
The World's Okayest Mom The truth is, I'm burnt out. I'm sure many of you can relate. The pressures of being an awesome mom, an amazing wife, a top level employee, an expert financial advisor, a nurse, a mediator, a party...
When Life Gets Hectic :: Local Services That Are My Lifeline Some weeks, life throws everything at you, and keeping up feels like drowning off a deserted island. It's the inevitable chaos that accompanies busy holiday seasons, work deadlines converging,...
40 Is NOT The New 20 “40 is the new 20.” I’m sure you’ve heard this metaphor or metaphors like this before. I am not sure how it came about but I’m certain that person was not 40+.  In 2023 I...
4 Words for 2024... 2024 is here, ready or not! A new year means new beginnings.  Recently, I saw this image on Facebook about words you see will be your Mantra for 2024.  I will share my four words, the definitions, and...
The Sunday Scaries :: 3 Tips On How To Manage Them It’s Sunday evening about 6ish. And I am done. Simply done. Over it. Overs stimulated. Over touched. Want to be left alone! If I hear my name one more time...




The Ultimate Guide to Birthday Parties in Lafayette Louisiana

Disclosure :: Special thanks to all of the great local sponsors that have made this guide possible! Do you have a business that you...
splash pads in Lafayette

Summer Water Fun in Acadiana