I Miss Talking About the Weather

So much has changed. I don’t have to tell you that, right?

We should be bumping into each other as we get our kids their back to school hair cuts. We should be embracing as we meet the teacher. We should be beating each other to Target to get the good school supplies.

But we aren’t.

I wish we did not have to hesitate and keep distance as we see each other for the first time in months — like the first time since March. I wish I was not afraid to hug you.

But I am.

Our kids should be starting school. Our feeds should be full of kids with their back to school signs.

But they aren’t.

We should be getting out of our cars as we drop them off at school to ask about summer vacations. Maybe we would even follow that sighting up with a coffee date? Maybe not. But it would be an option, right?

But it’s not. It is not like before.

We would complain about the heat. As we hug, we’d say, “Oh! I am sorry I am so sweaty! It is so hot!”

But we aren’t.

I miss putting our real-life problems aside to mingle and talk about the weather. I miss the weather being the only struggle we all

have in common. I miss hurricanes being our only real collective enemy.

I am sorry this sucks. I am sorry we are too consumed to focus on the temporary and the superficial. I am sorry for all the moms — but especially the Kindergarten moms and the senior moms.

I miss talking about the weather. I can’t wait until we can get back to that point. Maybe with the first burst of cool air in the Fall. That will give us something to really talk about.

Rebecca Autin
Rebecca is an attorney by day and a toddler wrangler by night. She is a product of divorced parents and grew up in both Thibodaux and Franklin, Louisiana. Rebecca attended Loyola University of New Orleans and Southern University Law Center. Rebecca married her high school bestie in 2012. Quinton and Rebecca went through months of infertility before giving birth to Maxwell Lincoln in 2015. In 2016, they were surprised by a baby boy due in June 2017. But, in February 2017, they suffered with incompetent cervix and delivered sweet Theodore Paul too soon. In October 2018, after an incredibly difficult pregnancy, a cerclage, and a whole bunch of bedrest, Fitzgerald Joseph was born -- a happy, healthy, and perfect rainbow. If you can't find Rebecca, you can summon her with pot of freshly brewed coffee or look for her in Target or behind the kitchen island where she is hiding from her kids with a very generous pour of red.


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