Savoring Single Motherhood

I’m an observer by nature, so I do a lot of watching myself… sometimes it’s exhausting and anxiety-inducing, but today, I’m grateful for it.

As I watch myself pack up for our first solo beach trip, something my son and I have been talking about for a couple of years, I’m suddenly aware of how precious this season is – this time where it’s just us, the dream team: Gus & Mama for life. 

But I know it won’t always be just us. (Oh God, at least I hope not. If you’re reading this in 2030 and I’m still a single mom, send H E L P!) Anyways, I know I’ll look back on my days as a resilient, young single mom with pride and maybe a little longing, too. 

Longing for the weekly movie & pizza nights that started as a survival tactic for tough days, but quickly became our favorite tradition…

Missing our morning cartoon cuddles and coffee shop day dates… 

Wishing to go back in time for just one more silly bath-time conversation – full of laughter and eye-rolling at potty humor and buckets of water on the floor…

One more Christmas as adoptive members of my sister’s sweet little family… 

One more brave Gus and Mama adventure… 

I mean, I’m definitely looking forward to eventually rolling over into a real human body as I fall asleep (!!!) but I know that that life will be very different from this one. 

So, I’m savoring single motherhood as much as I can… taking a minute to soak it all up as I toss beach toys and swimsuits into suitcases because I know, like all seasons, this one will eventually come to an end. And I’m going to miss it like crazy! 

Lauren Venable is a single mama and somatic meditation teacher living in Lafayette. You’ll hear her joke often, “Thank God I meditate for a living!” as she juggles her 2 elderly yet somehow still wild Boston Terriers, navigates the endless chatter and relentless curiosity of her Kindergartener, and brings her own meandering mind back to the task at hand (instead of the butterfly that just passed.) She’s a sucker for spontaneous adventures and is rocking a solid 70% success rate with her house plants. Her struggles with divorce, postpartum depression/anxiety, and the general overwhelm of motherhood have cracked her wide open and offered such rich soil for personal growth that she now helps other moms manage the motherload, too. You can find out more at or follow her podcast, Homeward Bound: Meditations for Motherhood.


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