Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Ochsner Lafayette General Breast Center and authored by Shaunda Grisby, MD Living Your Breast Life: Five Tips to Help Reduce Your Chances of Breast Cancer Did you know that 1 out of every 8...
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays, and ever since college, my husband and I have hosted an annual Halloween party. Once we had children, my desire to make Halloween magical has paralleled my Christmas spirit. But...
  When I was expecting, I would cradle my pregnant belly and daydream about nursing my little one in a cozy corner of our home. I imagined the first few moments of his life would be spent on my chest...
You know what I love as we move into fall? Those delicious, hearty, cozy meals that really make it feel like the season has arrived ... even if the temperature outside doesn't always reflect that. But you know what I...
Moms are supposed to be brave. Moms are the ones who calm your fears. We kill the bed bugs; we scare the bad guys away. I was laying in bed with my oldest and she asked me a question. One...
Have you ever been around a group of ladies and thought “I don’t feel like I fit in here?”  I have struggled with this my entire life. I can remember being in third grade and having a group of “popular...
I’ve only been a Mom for two years, but in that time the pieces of the got-it-all-together girl that I used to be have been lost like the letters on my toddler's ABC puzzle board. My flat tummy and...
While I am not one to share political opinions on social media despite my interest in current events, I’ve always been enthusiastic about encouraging everyone I know to vote. I’m sure it is attributed to my own upbringing, one...
Moms everywhere are deciding what Halloween will look like for them this year. At this point, it's all up in the air still whether Trick-or-Treating will happen and what it'll look like. For me, I'm a planner, not knowing...
This post is sponsored by Our Lady of Lourdes Women’s & Children’s Hospital and authored by Dr. Lauren Bailey, MD.  Vaccinate, Don’t Wait Vaccinations are further at the forefront of the battle for our health as we head into the first...




Worth The Drive :: St. Rose Flower Farm in St. Martinville,...

Worth The Drive :: St. Rose Flower Farm in St. Martinville, LA A coworker recently told me about a hidden gem in St. Martinville, Louisiana...