It’s hot as Hades here in south Louisiana. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that. There’s not a soul that doesn’t know it as soon as a door opens and the temperature slaps you in the face. Engulfed in 95°+ and we feel every degree. Hello, Louisiana July.
Despite the temperature and the sweat, Christmas is happening in July at our house.
You read that right.
Last year, we had unexpected expenses come up right before Christmas. On Black Friday, to be exact. We moved to our new house last July, and with moving comes so many expenses. These things combined made our Christmas budget nonexistent, and thinking of our lack of gifts for loved ones weighed so heavily on me. While I truly, fully know Christmas isn’t about gifts, I’m a giver. It’s my love language, and I felt like I let everyone down.
This year, I have several gifts ready to go. I embroider to make extra money, and I have been stitching as quickly as my little machine can go.
All profit that I’ve made so far this year has gone straight to gifts, and I’m giddy with excitement.
For those that my family and I love, Christmas is happening in July. Boxes are stored in the closet, under beds – still in their packaging that I’ll wrap to put underneath our tree (way) later.
If it takes a million stitches, if it takes me all year, if it means that I have to start preparing for Christmas in July, I’ll make it happen. For those that we love, I’m sewing for you.
My tiny, out-of-a-closet-“office” is full of orders, full of love, full of Christmas joy in the middle of July.
Merry summer, y’all. I can’t wait until Christmas, and even more – I really can’t wait for cooler temperatures.