Five years ago, my husband and I spent the best $100 of our lives by joining Financial Peace University. FPU is a 9-week class hosted by Dave Ramsey, author of Total Money Makeover and Complete Guide to Money. This...
This post contains some Catholic-specific terminology because, well, I’m Catholic. BUT this is for ANYONE who has to take several small children to church, especially a church with no nursery services. You are not alone. There are others of us...
WTH Lafayette?! Today. Today was the straw that broke this camel's back. There is no longer rage. There is no longer frustration. I can only feel numb. Because that is the ONLY way I am gonna survive all this damn street...
Laissez les bon temps rouler! A Cajun expression often heard in these parts, meaning "Let the good times roll!" conveys the "joie de vivre" ("joy of living") of the good people of Lafayette. Now that's about all of the French...
When inquiring how someone is doing, being "busy" is becoming a popular and accepted response. What does being busy really describe? And, is being busy a good thing? There is an undertone that being busy is some how connected...
Parenting is hard most days, but it is especially difficult when you are trying to recover after a night (or day) out on the town. There are so many amazing Mardi Gras festivities scheduled over the next few weeks, not...
“Leaving behind nights of terror and fear I rise Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear I rise Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise I rise I rise.” Maya Angelou, “Still I Rise” January 2017. The doors...
Disclaimer :: If you feel you are coming down with the flu, please be sure to seek medical advice.  Did Santa bring you an Instant Pot for Christmas? I must have been on the nice list this year because there...
Tuesday mornings begin like most other mornings: 2016 wakes us up, we drink our coffee and start cooking oatmeal for the other three. 2012 and 2015 are up next, followed shortly by 2013. They sit and eat in groggy...
We moved to Lafayette a little over four years ago. I stepped into unknown Cajun territory with my husband and 6 month old baby girl. We had followed our hearts and our faith to Acadiana, yet I was miserable....




Make a Splash :: Your Lafayette Pool Guide

If you are a parent looking for things to do with kids in the Lafayette, LA area, you have come to the best place....