I won’t be liked by everyone. Isn’t that obvious? It’s impossible for everyone in the world to like you all of the time. Even though that’s logical, known, and a lesson we teach our kids so early on, sometimes it...
Yesterday, your world changed. You kissed the other half of your heart goodbye for 12 long months and went home with worry and loneliness. Whether this is your first deployment or you’re a seasoned pro, your heart is broken.  I feel...
I was three hours postpartum the first time I felt shamed for my choice. My husband and I were resting comfortably in our room at the hospital. We were playfully bickering over whose turn it was to snuggle our...
I. Love. Christmas. I love the colors: the traditional red and green, the ritzy look of black and gold, red and black plaid with fur that makes everyone look like they live their lives chopping wood and building log cabins,...
  When I was expecting, I would cradle my pregnant belly and daydream about nursing my little one in a cozy corner of our home. I imagined the first few moments of his life would be spent on my chest...
While I am not one to share political opinions on social media despite my interest in current events, I’ve always been enthusiastic about encouraging everyone I know to vote. I’m sure it is attributed to my own upbringing, one...
Dear Infertile Stepmom, Please know you’re not alone in your feelings. Even if, like me, you are part of a harmoniously blended family, you probably still deal with feelings of loneliness, envy, and insecurity. How could you not battle those...
He didn’t mean it the way I received it. I know he didn’t because I know his heart. But several hours passed after his throwaway comment and I just couldn’t shake his words… “Well, maybe you should get a...
Welcome to the 2020 hurricane season in South Louisiana ... Another hurricane entering the Gulf. Another Category 4 (possibly 5) to be concerned about. Another stretch of anxious days with too many questions and scenarios to ponder … Will the kids have...

Finding Fall

My favorite seasons of the year are always the transitional ones: Fall and Spring. There is something about the transitionalness (I know that is not a word) of them that is refreshing. And they are so temporary... merely a change...




Black-Owned Businesses to Support in and Around Lafayette, Louisiana

We are happy to share this resource of local black-owned businesses in and around Lafayette, Louisiana. By shopping with any of these businesses listed...