Connected Parenting :: Embracing Your Child’s Interest I am the daughter of a single mother of four. My mom was constantly at work which is understandable since she had four children to care for. I cannot recall a time that...
A Laid-Back Approach To Potty Training My daughter is quickly approaching the age of two, which is when I started potty training my other three girls. From my previous experience, I can say that every child is different and learns...
Tips for Teaching Your Child to Love Art At A Young Age Drawing, painting, and using art tools are amazing ways for your child to dabble in their creativity. You can begin to expose your child to drawing and painting...
Dear Strangers, Here’s How To Help Moms In Public During A Meltdown We’ve all seen us, many of you have been us, some of you will become us, so let’s work together to ease your pain of watching us in...
How To Host A Playdate Playdates are so important for our littles. It gives them the opportunity to socialize and practice all sorts of social skills such as conversation, sharing, patience with another person, and of course, play!  Another added benefit...
Best Sippy Cups I will start this off by full-on admitting to y'all that I am a sucker. I love a good gimmick, and Amazon Prime is my dealer. Now that I got that out of the way, let me also...
6 Tips For Finding Your Family's Rhythm These tips are just a few ways my family has found our rhythm. We’ve endure our fair share of crying times as we have navigated what and how these exactly work for our...
Have you wanted to stroll the best park in the neighborhood, but wished you had a mom pal to tag along with you? Are you looking for more play dates in Lafayette, mom and baby coffee dates, or a way...
Ear infections are the silent *mood* killer in our household. My oldest has had them few and far between, but the tried and true sign is a severe and sudden change in attitude (for the worse) when his ears...
I now understand what parents mean when mentioning the term “three-nager.” My daughter will be 3 in a few months, but I swear she’s already in her rebellious stage. Quotes and Conversations Guys…I cannot make this up. These are things said...




Worth The Drive :: St. Rose Flower Farm in St. Martinville,...

Worth The Drive :: St. Rose Flower Farm in St. Martinville, LA A coworker recently told me about a hidden gem in St. Martinville, Louisiana...