I want you to know … My sweet, loving, adventurous, rambunctious little boy, that you were my first. The first I held, comforted, loved and fed. The first I obsessed and worried about. The first I watched sleep. You are...
I am not a huge fan of credit cards. They make me nervous and with my already-tenuous relationship with money, they just straight-up scare me. So it may surprise people to know that my husband and I actually have...
We are thrilled to introduce our community to FIVE new members of the Lafayette Moms Blog team. Each one is a dynamic, warm and inspiring Acadiana mom, and we can’t wait for you all to get to know them...
There aren't enough days in the week, weeks in a year, minutes in an hour, hours in a day .... yadda, yadda, yadda. There's always something, isn't it?  Where do I get the time to do all the things I do is the...
I'm trying to remember what I thought parenthood would look like when I first told my husband, "Let's have a baby!" I mean, I don't think I was expecting it to be all sunshine and rainbows, but I didn't...
Dr. Melanie Fowler: On Board Certification and Motherhood Disclosure :: A local mom and friend of LAFMB, Dr. Melanie Fowler, sponsored this post. Early in my orthodontic career, one of my goals was to become Board-certified. Board certification is not required to practice...
The Truth. The truth is, I have never had the desire to be a stay at home mom. My mother, raised all of her children never having worked outside of the home. I was not that person. Being a mother...
Things in life happen, but the good thing about living in the South is that everyone will quickly rally around you.  The best, no one ever shows up empty handed.  When a friend of our's recently lost a parent unexpectedly, my...
Not many people know that one of my more recent jobs ended in termination. The company I worked for decided to terminate my employment after working for them for over 5 years. I was a success; in fact, the...
I am wrapping up my third pregnancy in a couple of weeks and it feels bittersweet, mostly because I am pretty sure that it will be my last one. Cue the tears ... So of course, I have been...




Worth The Drive :: St. Rose Flower Farm in St. Martinville,...

Worth The Drive :: St. Rose Flower Farm in St. Martinville, LA A coworker recently told me about a hidden gem in St. Martinville, Louisiana...