Earlier this month we got to enjoy a short, but very sweet preview of fall weather. I am starting to anticipate the posts about pumpkin spice everything (NOT my favorite, but that is for another day). Running in the...
We have reached that turn in the year, heralded in by the return of Pumpkin Spice Lattes, the Halloween section of Target, and an overwhelming desire to watch Hocus Pocus (or is that just me?). I always get swept...
For more content on parenting in Lafayette, LA, subscribe to our weekly newsletter HERE! Every year, our family looks forward to October. Of course, there are the obvious reasons of Halloween, fall temperatures, gumbo and football, but Festival Acadien, or...
For more content on parenting in Lafayette, LA, subscribe to our weekly newsletter HERE! Ahhhh, fall. There's a chill in the air as I slide on my thigh-high suede boots, adjust my cozy wool scarf, and head out. We have...
For more content on parenting in Lafayette, LA, subscribe to our weekly newsletter HERE! I’ve always thought of myself as a little crunchy. We’re mostly meatless around here, I teach yoga, we go on nature walks … you know my...
For more content on parenting in Lafayette, LA, subscribe to our weekly newsletter HERE! Even before my husband and I were married, I distinctly remember a lot of people telling us to always “date your spouse." It was a phrase...
For more content on parenting in Lafayette, LA, subscribe to our weekly newsletter HERE! I often times find myself selfishly wondering, “What would life be like without children?” Would I be the well-put-together trophy wife with the perfectly designed, white box...
Carlie, I just got a call. There was a policemen shot and it was Mike. He didn’t make it. Mike. Corporal Michael Middlebrook. The husband of his one and only co-worker, Adrienne.  I’ll always remember the look on Joey’s face when he came...
For more content on parenting in Lafayette, LA, subscribe to our weekly newsletter HERE! My husband and I don’t let our toddler sleepover with our family members. This has been a difficult road to navigate without hurting anyone’s feelings. I thought...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by RaceTrac.  Leave the Lysol at Home: RaceTrac’s Remodel Refreshes a Germaphobe's View on Convenience Stores Germaphobia :: It’s a Real Thing {Spoiler Alert, Avoid Triggering Your Germaphobia at Newly Remodeled and LOVELY RaceTrac Locations} I...




1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors

1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors The weather is perfect. Warm, with a slight breeze. Five children play beautifully in the backyard in waves...