When you have a two year old on your hands, the famous question everyone always asks is “Is two really that terrible?” Some parents, grandparents, aunts, and friends will even claim that three is worse. Well momma, I’m currently...
My ability to parent without a fit of the giggles has recently been disrupted. How's that? Well, with my child's need to "attempt" to distract me from every situation with boo-boos.  What do I mean by that? It all started a...
Oh, man. I miss chickenpox. This may just be anecdotal, but it seems to me that since modern medicine created the chickenpox vaccine, we have been dealing with a new litany of bugs that I have zero memory of...
When Max was a newborn, he slept just fine. He was our first and we really had no idea what we were doing, but we slept. He slept in our room for the first four months of his life. Read...
We've all been there. It's been an extremely long day. You're in the car, sitting in traffic that is really making you call on Jesus. You try to turn on a nice soothing song to calm your nerves. Then, from the backseat, you...
My son William is my first-born; he is the one that made me a mother. My husband and I truly had no preference on sex when we found out I was pregnant; we prayed only for a healthy child....
I am fortunate to have a very attentive family and for that, I am grateful. But, sometime during Kael's second year of life, I noticed that he was getting particular feedback from a few members of our large family. "Why don't...
We were first time parents, sure. I'll give you that. But, between my two brothers, I had celebrated milestones for 5 babies. If I can't tell you ages, I can surely show you pictures for at least a few...
May brings with it heat, sprinklers, swimsuits and all those flowers following April showers. It's also Better Speech and Hearing Month. As a speech-language pathologist, it's my time to shine, lol. During my practice, I specialized in pediatric speech and language disorders, and...
Step 1: Remove all the carpet from your home. I kid. I kid. Unless you can. Then do it. Potty training. Eeesh. One of the crappiest (see what I did there?) jobs a parent has.  Our first was basically potty trained by daycare....




Black-Owned Businesses to Support in and Around Lafayette, Louisiana

We are happy to share this resource of local black-owned businesses in and around Lafayette, Louisiana. By shopping with any of these businesses listed...