If you have an Apple Watch, you are acquainted with the activity circles that track standing, exercise and calorie burn. I’m a competitive sort, so I get a bit aggravated when I can’t meet the calorie and exercise goal...
"I never wanted any of my women to work outside the home." The words hit me like a ton of bricks.  This man, this father of an acquaintance, had single handedly knocked down the clear choice that I made to be...
Dinner out. Movies. Dinner out. Museum. Dinner out. Escape room. Dinner out. Wine Bar. And around and around and around ... Date night so easily becomes rote and boring. It's hard enough to schedule the time to spend together,...
Last year, I wrote about wanting my Super Mom Cape back. When I wrote this, I was in the throes of terrible twos and about to transition into the threenager year all while preparing to go through another embryo...
Growing up, friends and acquaintances would discuss what we’d look for in a husband. It was a bit of a daydream as a child, then became more real as we grew older. We discussed our preferences on guys we’d...
This summer, I took my kids to the splash pad. It was a hot day, and we needed to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE with no drowning risk. For free.  Thank you, St. Julien Park, for your beautiful, clean, splash...
Our calendars as parents in this day and age are already packed.  Packed with activities. Packed with work. Just packed to the brim with daily life.  That means adding in time for Mom and Dad to be, well, not Mom and...
Birth Stories I recently went out to dinner with a group of friends and the topic of childbirth came up. Women began sharing their stories of childbirth, the good, the bad and the ugly. Some moms expressed their passion natural...
Apparently, there are 24 hours in one day. I’ve known this for most of my life, and the clocks of the world seem to confirm it. But, if I’m being honest, the older I get, and more significantly, the...
I’m an only child. I had a wonderful childhood and wouldn’t trade it for anything, nor would I add anyone to it. I grew up with my parents, together for almost 38 years, and all 4 of my grandparents,...




1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors

1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors The weather is perfect. Warm, with a slight breeze. Five children play beautifully in the backyard in waves...