Our parents will always be OUR parents. But when do you draw the line at being actively parented in adulthood? It's a tale as old as time and seems to be a theme across all cultures. Parents involving themselves in...
I'm not really sure of exactly when I became aware of how cold the world can be, but wow. It's rough out there! I attended a Continuing Education Event at The Family Tree  about the dynamics of poverty. Seeing the...
Let me start this off by explaining that I did not have your typical second trimester. The first month of it was pretty chill, but due to my cute little incompetent cervix, I was put on modified bed rest...

I’ve Got You Pegged!

I recently received an email regarding my business that upset me. The content, the situation and the customer's perspective all frustrated me. The customer acknowledged how great our facility is and how great the care is but felt when...
I am a very independent person. I don't like relying on people to do something for me. To be honest, I have been let down so many times in my life that it is just easier to do things...
Sometimes, you just need to take a break and sometimes you’re forced to. Six months ago, if you had told me I’d spend the next five months combing through grief, loss, anger, sleep deprivation, emptiness, self doubt, and a...
Find an Upscale Weekend Getaway at the Jung Hotel – a New Orleans Hotel Collection Disclosure :: This piece is sponsored by the Jung Hotel & Residences - a New Orleans Hotel Collection. The Lafayette Moms Blog Team had a wonderful...
Our summer started off with a bang: family vacation, summer camp, Father's Day, swim lessons. And this was only June. July was filled with travel, way too many hours in the car, birthdays, play dates, more travel and back-to-school...
There is not a mom I’ve met who does not want her family to be healthy. As a registered dietitian and mom, I am sharing a few of my favorite lifestyle tips that help set the foundation for a...
During my last postpartum period, also called the 4th trimester, I did everything wrong. At least I did it wrong for me.  I thought I needed to start walking (like around the neighborhood) too soon because other people did and...




2024 Guide to Summer Fun in Lafayette

2024 Guide to Summer Fun in Lafayette! I'd like to think that the world slows down in summer. However, after a week or so, the...