If you ever find yourself on Tunica Hills Trail B, heed this advice……when you get to B14, TURN AROUND! Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. This isn’t Monopoly. Mother Nature don’t play. GO BACK WHERE YOU CAME FROM! Several weeks...
Why is it so hard to say something nice about yourself or give your self well-deserved credit when due? I find it easy to tell others about how great they are and how to self-love but why can’t I...


I’m just going to say it – it’s OK to feel overwhelmed and be unproductive. You don’t have to have it together all the time. Do you remember that little homeschool schedule that was floating around the internet a week...
The past few weeks have been trying times to say the least. We, as a world, are all united in one common fight. And while there are certainly dark days, this time has drawn out the light in each...
Wouldn't it be great if you could improve your sleep, boost your mood, reduce your stress & anxiety all while setting a great example for your family? Easy. Exercise more. ...C'mon, you knew that was coming. And that's just it, we are all...
In the end, there are three things that matter…… How much you loved. How gently you lived. How gracefully you let go of the things that were not meant for you. Of the three, the one I struggle with, is the last one....
I've always heard him say, "heart disease runs in my family" and so my dad, ran ... literally. He ran far and he ran frequently, to put distance between himself and his genetic tendencies. Well, despite his best efforts...
I don't know about you other mamas out there, but this summer kicked. my. butt. In addition to dealing with summertime boredom, shuffling kids to and from summer camps in an attempt to alleviate that boredom, and the HEAT, we...

Five Days of Self Care

Self care doesn’t always look like we think it should. I think about self care a lot - because it makes me mad. But that was back when I thought self care looked like it does on Instagram or...
According to Wikipedia, Brené Brown has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy and is the author of five #1 New York Times bestsellers: The Gifts of Imperfection, Daring Greatly, Rising Strong, Braving the Wilderness, and her latest book, Dare to...




1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors

1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors The weather is perfect. Warm, with a slight breeze. Five children play beautifully in the backyard in waves...