The Youngsville Sports Complex Is Expanding! Youngsville has grown tremendously over the years and is continuing to expand with new restaurants, entertainment and events. The Youngsville Sports Complex is no exception! This past summer, The Youngsville Sports Complex added the...
What Cross Country Has Done For Our Student Athlete As a girly girl, I once thought I would become a dance mom or cheer mom. As it turns out, God had different plans! He gave me two boys who have...
Dear Daughter, Women In Sports Are Amazing This last week was a thrilling one for our home. I grew up playing soccer and had a brief stint in competitive gymnastics. My daughter just started her first preschool gym class, and...
My family and I have lived in the Lafayette area for nearly two years. One of the best things about living in Acadiana? There is ALWAYS something happening! The city continues to grow and with that growth comes even...
My big boy, I have been watching you play recreational soccer for seven years. At first, you and I had no idea what we had gotten ourselves into! You hadn’t a clue how to play the game and I didn’t...
I started dancing at age 3. My mother enrolled me in the small dance school in our new hometown at such a young age in hopes that I’d gain confidence, make friends, and find a hobby that I loved....
I’m a sports mom. I love watching the kids play, exercise, and compete. I enjoy encouraging them and teaching them sportsmanship. Whether they win or lose, it’s all about balance. Organized sports are about learning the game, understanding the...
I was a pretty extroverted kid growing up - team sports were my jam. Not because I was any good at them (I was really awful) but because I loved being around people. So, naturally, when my kids got older...
Parents' behavior affects the game and the child. The day after my 12 and 13 year old sons finished their first basketball season, I began a devotional called Growing Kids with Character. Yes, I need all the spiritual help I...
It’s no secret, all of Louisiana knows by now. Even if you are not a sports fan, your Facebook feed and news outlets are probably inundated with the dismay of every Saints fan after yesterday’s NFC Championship loss. It was...




The Ultimate Guide to Birthday Parties in Lafayette Louisiana

Disclosure :: Special thanks to all of the great local sponsors that have made this guide possible! Do you have a business that you...
splash pads in Lafayette

Summer Water Fun in Acadiana