
Ages & Stages

childcare in Lafayette, LA

Parenting through the various ages + stages of childhood can be overwhelming and challenging. Just when you think you have life figured out with an infant, they slowly turn into toddlers and everything changes! Not to mention, every family dynamic is unique and each child typically requires a different parenting approach. Many families these days turn to the internet for help and advice, and thus, Lafayette Mom, the premier parenting website in Lafayette, LA, was born. Our team of 20+ local Lafayette moms share their opinions, expertise and resources with you to make parenting in Acadiana easier.  

Perhaps you are unexpectedly pregnant and your partner is not quite on board yet. We understand and can empathize because we’ve been there. If you are walking the lonely journey of miscarriage, we are here to hold your proverbial hand every step of the way. Lafayette Mom also prides itself on providing helpful resources for the important things you need as a parent in Lafayette, LA. For example we have a list of where to find swim lessons in Lafayette, as well as a list of the best schools in Lafayette, LA. As your family moves through the ages + stages of raising kids, you will discover that Lafayette Mom is here with you every step of the way!

Through all ages + stages of childhood, Lafayette Mom is designed to be a “go to” resource for parents. Whether you’re in the trenches battling RSV, or wondering how to tackle the sex talk with your tweens, our content is relevant to modern parents. We will cry with you as you send your little off to preschool, and we will rejoice with you when you find out that it’s twins! Let Lafayette Mom help you navigate all ages + stages with ease. 

I never gave much thought about my son riding the bus to school. Honestly, our original school of choice (when we were dreaming of having kids) was on the way to and from work for my husband, and we...
As our kids get older, we have developed our family traditions. Some are purposeful, like our annual Sacred Heart cake we make for the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Some are unintentional, but eagerly anticipated nonetheless. Our Back-to-School (BTS)...
Have you ever been invited to someone’s house and you know you want to make a great impression? More than likely this person has cleaned their home from head to toe, made sure it smelled good, and gone the...
Disclosure :: This post is part of a series for World Breastfeeding Week and is sponsored by Our Lady of Lourdes Women's & Children's Hospital.  It's OK to Quit: My Breastfeeding Story Best Laid Plans Like so many other moms, I had...
Disclaimer:: This post is sponsored by our friends at Lafayette Pediatric Dentistry and authored by Pediatric Dentist, Dr. Anita Gouri.  When is it time to take away my baby’s pacifier? One of the most popular dental FAQ’s by parents of toddlers:...
Disclosure :: This post is part of a series for World Breastfeeding Week and is sponsored by  Our Lady of Lourdes Women's & Children's Hospital.  My Breastfeeding Experience as a New And Seasoned Mom It is no secret that women all...
Parenting ain’t easy, y’all! Sometimes the day to day grind gets tough and mundane. It’s hard! We lose ourselves in soccer practice, homework, meals, and even squeezing in relaxation. In the chaos that is life, sometimes our children veer...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Bliss, a new local school supply store that is making Lafayette Mom's back to school experience easier! Back-To-School Made Easy My oldest daughter, Clara, turns five years old at the end of this month....
I could tell by the looks on their faces. Surely she isn’t serious? Cash? A gift card? What kind of kid gets excited about that? My kid. Let’s face it. Birthday gifts are hard. Birthday gifts for a kid you don’t...

Raising Moody Judy

For ages, my husband said that our oldest was a highly sensitive child. It all blew right past me until recently when a friend said she read the book The Highly Sensitive Child.  As she talked, everything I had previously...




1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors

1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors The weather is perfect. Warm, with a slight breeze. Five children play beautifully in the backyard in waves...