baby fever

Broken Baby Fever

I am a mother to four children ages 6, 5, 3, and 1. No, those were not typos.  We are beginning to reap the benefits of children so close in age. Our oldest two are BFFs and our middle two...
So many people posted on social media this past week about gun violence. The recent school shooting that took the lives of so many children once again reminded us we aren't safe anywhere. We should be angry. We should...
There was a recent discussion in one of my Facebook groups regarding winning the “BEST. MOM. EVER.” award when serving our kids cereal or even worse, Nutella for dinner. Let me preface, I am all for sharing “The Best...
It was a warm summer day in 2017 when my family got the craving for some pizza. No normal delivery-chain pizza would do; no, we wanted something special. Something customizable. We wanted Pizza Artista. But of course, we didn't...
If there is one thing I can admit about myself, it's that I'm terrible at responding to personal messages. Not the teacher emails or work related messages, but the social communication type of messages. Whether it be texts, phone...
With Fixer Upper being all the rage, everyone wants to have their chance to be Joanna and Chip. I mean let's be real, they are amazing and perfect and make it look SOOOO easy!!! But, before you run out...
Our responsibilities as mothers include providing basic needs for our children: protecting them from danger, loving them unconditionally, and preparing them for the future. In that spirit, I want to share a story with you. Each Sunday I lead high...
I remember the solemn moment. The moment my dream car, my yellow Volkswagon Beetle, died. RIP, Daisy! Not that I had driven her in two years because rear facing car seats do not fit in the back of Bugs...
Privacy. Personal space. Dignity. These are just a few of the things that I have lost since becoming a mom. Many may argue, and I will agree, that I have gained much more by adding children to my family:...
WTH Lafayette?! Today. Today was the straw that broke this camel's back. There is no longer rage. There is no longer frustration. I can only feel numb. Because that is the ONLY way I am gonna survive all this damn street...




Make a Splash :: Your Lafayette Pool Guide

If you are a parent looking for things to do with kids in the Lafayette, LA area, you have come to the best place....