
Perspectives in Parenting

Lafayette, LA parents

As a mom in Lafayette, LA, sometimes you crave connection with other local parents to get their thoughts, perspectives and opinions about raising children in Acadiana. The perspectives in parenting section of Lafayette Mom provides a place for readers to discover what other families are thinking about a variety of topics facing parents today.

Needless to say, there are various perspectives on parenting and living in Lafayette, LA with kids. The goal of Lafayette Mom is to provide an online platform where all opinions are safe and respected and open for healthy discussion. Lafayette Mom is designed to provide helpful and timely resources for parents in Lafayette, as well as an outlet for local moms to share their opinions and voices.

Within the perspectives in parenting section, readers will discover numerous stories and insight about day-to-day life in Lafayette, LA with kids. Lafayette Moms are honest, authentic and transparent. They are willing to share their parenting journey with readers to ensure that no mom feels like she is alone in her journey. Whether it’s discussing divorce or raising kids without the presence of your own mother, no topic or conversation is off limits.

It wouldn’t be an accurate perspectives in parenting section without the acknowledgment that there are highs and lows for all moms in Lafayette, LA. Whether it’s moving through the muck of marriage with your partner or grieving the loss of a child, we truly believe that the easiest parenting path includes a close knit community of moms. There is very little that we haven’t covered at Lafayette Mom; heck we are even here to tell you about why your weight is the least interesting thing about you.

The team of writers at Lafayette Mom discuss all the important things that Lafayette, LA moms need to know, like why your kids should see a pediatric dentist and when your kids need intervention for thumb sucking.

With a team of more than 20 local moms writing for Lafayette Mom, we pride ourselves on being the premier parenting resource for raising kids in Lafayette, LA. If there’s a resource that your family is looking for and you can’t find it, we hope you will let us know.

Ever have one of those days? You know what I’m talking about. Nothing went right at work and as soon as you picked up the kids and got home, all hell broke loose? Or maybe you’re a WAHM or...
Before I was a mom, I declared that my children would never be picky eaters. Cue laughter from moms around the world. I love food, and I assumed that trait would pass down to my children as well. At first,...
My son enjoys sports. All of them. When we adopted him at age 4, it was obvious no one ever spent time with him doing much of anything but particularly playing catch or throwing a football. Now that he has...
My husband was offered the opportunity to go on a business trip to DC the month he turned 30 and the same month our son turned two. We thought the timing could not be more perfect. I mean, does...
I had just plopped myself back into my beach chair when my four-year-old giggled the way only a child can when they're about to do something they're not supposed to. I watched, brow furrowed, as she edged her way closer...
I’d like to think that I’m usually pretty prepared. I try to think ahead. I make lists. I menu plan. I started buying in bulk. I subscribe and save on Amazon, for goodness sake. But, I always feel like I...
Trying to Keep My Head Above Water I’ll be the first person to say mommin’ ain’t easy. My life had been in complete chaos after baby number one arrived, and I was drowning. If you were an outsider looking in,...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by The Music Garden; however, as always, all opinions stated are our own.  The Music Garden :: A Melodic Oasis for Children in the Heart of Lafayette From the moment you open the gate and...
You've heard all about the trials and triumphs of parenthood and thought you were prepared, but the specific details were skimpy. Just when you think you are being zen and living in the moment, it’s the littlest thing that...
So my story begins four years ago when my husband and I, along with our two daughters, moved from New Orleans to the Lafayette area after my husband accepted a job here. I was very excited for this new...




1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors

1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors The weather is perfect. Warm, with a slight breeze. Five children play beautifully in the backyard in waves...