This Thanksgiving was one for the books, and not in a good way. My family had just returned from Disney and we were looking forward to a relaxing holiday at home. HA! Within three days our entire household flipped upside...
"Advent is a time to wait. Not quite time to celebrate. Light the candles one by one, 'till this Advent time is done. Christmas Day will soon be here, time for joy and time for cheer." All four of my...
I don't know about you other mamas out there, but this summer kicked. my. butt. In addition to dealing with summertime boredom, shuffling kids to and from summer camps in an attempt to alleviate that boredom, and the HEAT, we...
Let’s get real for a second. When you stand in front of the mirror and look at your body, do you see features or flaws? When you look at a photo of yourself, is your first reaction typically a...
As women, I think most can agree we crave meaningful relationships more than anything else. We need friends, a group of friends, a tribe if you're trendy. Some of us have had the same friend group since birth (children...

Five Days of Self Care

Self care doesn’t always look like we think it should. I think about self care a lot - because it makes me mad. But that was back when I thought self care looked like it does on Instagram or...
During natural labor when a woman reaches the transition phase, she often feels emotionally ready to give in and expresses a desire to quit. I know for all five of my births, the transition phase is when I asked...
Before our daughters could speak, my husband and I would essentially speak for them. We would hold conversations with our children, but we would cover both sides of it. For instance: Husband: Here’s your bottle, Clara! Also, Husband: Thank you, Daddy! Or… Me:...

Find Your Tribe

Life before my tribe was lonely. I wanted friends. I needed friends. I watched through the window of my computer screen as people who had their tribes, leftover from high school or found by chance, enjoyed time together and I...
There's always gonna be another mountain. I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Ain't about how fast I get there. Ain't about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb. Yep. I went there with a good 'ole Miley...




2024 Guide to Summer Fun in Lafayette

2024 Guide to Summer Fun in Lafayette! I'd like to think that the world slows down in summer. However, after a week or so, the...