Community, Connection, and Cardio :: The Magic of Small Gyms Hey there, amazing moms! Today, I want to talk about something truly special to me: the wonderful world of forging friendships at your local gym. While the big-box gyms might...
Don’t Make Resolutions, Make Mindset Changes We are a week into the new year. How are those resolutions holding up? The tradition of setting resolutions has become somewhat of a ritual. A bad habit we swear to end. A new...
Red’s Membership :: I Finally Caved And I’m So Glad I was always pretty active growing up. I played a multitude of sports, recreationally and competitively. Swimming, gymnastics, soccer, volleyball, name it, I have at least tried it.  It was...
How Waking Up At 4:00am Changed My Life And How It Can Change Yours Too! That sounds crazy right? Waking up a few hours earlier than normal can’t really be life changing, can it?! Well for me, it absolutely was. Last...
  I Survived Orangetheory's Hell Week For months I have been wanting to reignite my fitness journey. I canceled my previous gym membership due to a busier work schedule. While I have still been hitting the pavement for the occasional run,...

Living The Soft Life

Living The Soft Life Lately, my social media feeds have been full of videos, reels, and posts about the soft girl era. So just what is this soft girl era? This thought is said to have originated amongst Nigerian social...
Some of my fondest memories growing up were spent swimming with family and friends. My mom was a teacher, so we were lucky to spend our summers going on day trips and lounging by the pool during the summertime....
On some level, I love exercising. I hate the feeling a few minutes in when you're too hot and can't catch your breath and your heart is pounding and you start thinking, "There's no way I'm going to live...
If you've ever been pregnant, you may have been surprised to notice that no matter how hard you exercised or how healthy you ate after, your belly always looked a little pregnant, that you had a "pooch" that never...
At the time of writing, I can say that I completed the Bay St. Louis Triathlon for the third time. Previously known as Bring it to the Bay, this was my very first triathlon way back in 2016. I...




Guide to Lafayette Mardi Gras Events and Camps

Welcome to our ANNUAL "GUIDE TO LAFAYETTE MARDI GRAS EVENTS AND CAMPS!" It’s the biggest party of the year! Celebrate all month long with...