As this year comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to say how much we truly value, appreciate and respect each and every one of you. We are proud that since launching just three short months ago,...
One magical day, a mysterious package arrived on our doorstep addressed to three surprised and excited children. Waiting patiently inside of the package was one of Santa’s own, clad in a red felt suit and hat: an Elf on...
It’s 6:15pm. I’ve been up since 5:45am. I finally sit down for the first time today. Not on the couch … on the throne (or at least that’s what the dad’s get to call it). A more sarcastically affectionate...
4 Stages of a Daycare Phone Call My kids have been in daycare since 10 weeks and 7 weeks old (respectively). My first one is finally, mercifully in Kindergarten, which means that I have been fielding daycare calls at work...
Lafayette lost two babies this week. I did not know these children or their families, but they were connected to my mom tribe in some way and have made it into my heart and it is absolutely broken. This...
Christmas really is the most wonderful time of the year - the decorations, gift giving, family time, Christmas music, baking, and EGGNOG, the list could go on and on. These are all things that bring me great joy, and...
I have always been a lover of books.  Big books, small books, funny books, scary books ... As a little girl, I was quite the little history buff with many a book about famous female scientists, the Holocaust, the Underground...
I'm a type A personality. I hate to sit in stillness.  I'm working on that. So, when I had to sit still for HOURS and HOURS and HOURS to breastfeed, I thought I was going to lose my mind. I...
Is this the right time to take my preschooler to Walt Disney World? YES! Many moms anticipate their child’s first visit to the Most Magical Place on Earth! We want it to be magical and memorable! After all, there is...
Local Christmas Gift Ideas that Don't Add to the Playroom If you’re like me, you start your semi-annual playroom clean out around this time of year. Last weekend, I got three bags of trash and old toys out of the...




Worth The Drive :: St. Rose Flower Farm in St. Martinville,...

Worth The Drive :: St. Rose Flower Farm in St. Martinville, LA A coworker recently told me about a hidden gem in St. Martinville, Louisiana...