Mama's Circus :: Juggling Life's Many Acts As moms, we're the ultimate jugglers. From dawn till dusk, our days are a whirlwind of school runs, work deadlines, and soccer practices. We're often the masters of multitasking. But let's face it,...
The Art of "Getting It Together" I’m gonna keep it really real for this one. I am a self-proclaimed procrastinator. A works-better-under-pressure-when-there’s-only-an-hour-left kinda girl. Obviously, this hasn’t made for a very stress-free life, but this is just how I’ve been...
The School Event Chronicles :: The Impact of School Events on Student Life I am a mom of two very active kiddos. They participate in extracurricular activities and always have some type of school event, they keep me and my...
The Invisible Struggle :: When Mom Forgets I’m frozen and can’t move, thoughts running through my head. It’s because I’ve just realized I have forgotten something important. I stand there in disbelief, internally fussing at myself because how could I...
40 Is NOT The New 20 “40 is the new 20.” I’m sure you’ve heard this metaphor or metaphors like this before. I am not sure how it came about but I’m certain that person was not 40+.  In 2023 I...
One Size Parenting Doesn't Fit All Let’s get one thing straight, parenting is hard! Someone once described it to me as the most beautiful headache you’d ever experience, they were 100% right. Since my children were a little under one...
Sweeping Away Stress :: Hiring A Housekeeper I am a married mother of two. My husband and I both work full time and our kids are in several extracurricular activities. I typically keep things organized but household chores always seem...
Disclosure :: this post contains affiliate links. Working Mom Pumping Hacks! Anyone who has breastfed or exclusively pumped knows that pumping is a part-time job! From remembering to pump throughout the day to cleaning the countless pump parts, it’s a lot...
Why I Took a Sabbatical From My Job For 9 Months In October of 2019, my oldest daughter was born. I took a standard 6-week maternity leave, then promptly returned back to my job as a teacher. My husband was...

Living The Soft Life

Living The Soft Life Lately, my social media feeds have been full of videos, reels, and posts about the soft girl era. So just what is this soft girl era? This thought is said to have originated amongst Nigerian social...




Allergy-Friendly King Cakes at Whiskful Baking Co. in Broussard, LA!

Allergy-Friendly King Cakes at Whiskful Baking Co. in Broussard, LA! My husband is both gluten-free and dairy-free, and our youngest daughter is dairy-free, so I...
best king cakes in Lafayette Louisiana

Acadiana King Cake Guide