Disclosure :: this post contains affiliate links. Working Mom Pumping Hacks! Anyone who has breastfed or exclusively pumped knows that pumping is a part-time job! From remembering to pump throughout the day to cleaning the countless pump parts, it’s a lot...
Help A Momma Out! {Ways To Support Your Friends Pregnancy} One thing that gets overlooked in the post-pregnancy conversation is looking to your personal community / tribe / village for help when the opportunity arises. Sometimes it can be a...
5 Signs Your Newborn May Have A Dairy Allergy Guys, having a newborn is HARD. The sleep deprivation, the feeding schedules, the other children to tend to–it’s a LOT. I thought I had it all figured out with this being...
Hospital Packing List From a Third Time Mom The first time I packed my hospital bag(s) for having a baby, I packed everything you could think of! I have always preferred to pack too much rather than not enough and...
How To Host A Playdate Playdates are so important for our littles. It gives them the opportunity to socialize and practice all sorts of social skills such as conversation, sharing, patience with another person, and of course, play!  Another added benefit...
Best Sippy Cups I will start this off by full-on admitting to y'all that I am a sucker. I love a good gimmick, and Amazon Prime is my dealer. Now that I got that out of the way, let me also...
Newborn Tips For New Moms I’ve just had my third baby in four years. We are tired, but thankful parents who have learned a few things along our parenthood journey.  Mommas, your babies need time to meet Dad.  During your pregnancy your...
Help for the Unexpected Challenges of Breastfeeding After days of my son screaming in my face and refusing to latch, a drastic departure from his usual ravenous self, the dots started to connect. What if the copious amounts of poop,...
Have you wanted to stroll the best park in the neighborhood, but wished you had a mom pal to tag along with you? Are you looking for more play dates in Lafayette, mom and baby coffee dates, or a way...

Donations for the NICU

As with anything, personal life experiences shape and define a person. Some say you can't truly understand something until it happens to you. And after my recent life experience of having my third (and technically term) baby go to...




Make a Splash :: Your Lafayette Pool Guide

If you are a parent looking for things to do with kids in the Lafayette, LA area, you have come to the best place....