So much has changed. I don't have to tell you that, right? We should be bumping into each other as we get our kids their back to school hair cuts. We should be embracing as we meet the teacher. We...
Dear Covid,So many things happening or potentially happening that I was not prepared for.Am I really going to have to stay in the house for the rest of the my life? Like really, no more restaurants, no Target. No browsing...
One of the things that I have found so interesting this year, particularly about a month into the Great Pandemic of 2020, is people's sudden interest in global mental health. As a social worker whose primary focus is global...
I'm going to be honest right out the gate... you know how you keep hearing about the resurgence of victory gardens? That's me: 100% obsessed with growing vegetables in my backyard. This isn't the first year I've had a...
I always get nauseous before speaking. I always get headaches when I fly. I always end up getting the raw end of the deal. I always freeze when making big decisions. I always come in last place. I always get there late. I always get...
It’s never been more important to protect and prioritize your mental health as it is right now. It’s also never been easier to put on the back burner. We’ve got some really great reasons to put ourselves last these...
I have a monster that I cannot control. Rage. You likely wouldn’t guess that I have a very mean, very aggressive side. My bubbly personality and constant quest for positivity serve to hide the monster within.  I do not fit your typical...
A friend asked on Facebook, “what’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself during the stay at home/pandemic period?” I’ve learned a lot. There are some projects, regardless of how much time I have, that I will simply never complete. Other...
Stuck. It's all I feel lately. Stuck at home. Stuck in the middle of opposing views trying to be the medium of tolerance to allow growth. Usually I feel as though I am treading water just to keep up. As of lately, the...
I never considered myself to be a creative child.  I had little-to-no drawing ability, I didn't color inside the lines (what fun is that anyway?) and I was woefully inept at cute block lettering. It took a solid thirty...




1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors

1,000 Hours Outside :: Find Magic Outdoors The weather is perfect. Warm, with a slight breeze. Five children play beautifully in the backyard in waves...