
Perspectives in Parenting

Lafayette, LA parents

As a mom in Lafayette, LA, sometimes you crave connection with other local parents to get their thoughts, perspectives and opinions about raising children in Acadiana. The perspectives in parenting section of Lafayette Mom provides a place for readers to discover what other families are thinking about a variety of topics facing parents today.

Needless to say, there are various perspectives on parenting and living in Lafayette, LA with kids. The goal of Lafayette Mom is to provide an online platform where all opinions are safe and respected and open for healthy discussion. Lafayette Mom is designed to provide helpful and timely resources for parents in Lafayette, as well as an outlet for local moms to share their opinions and voices.

Within the perspectives in parenting section, readers will discover numerous stories and insight about day-to-day life in Lafayette, LA with kids. Lafayette Moms are honest, authentic and transparent. They are willing to share their parenting journey with readers to ensure that no mom feels like she is alone in her journey. Whether it’s discussing divorce or raising kids without the presence of your own mother, no topic or conversation is off limits.

It wouldn’t be an accurate perspectives in parenting section without the acknowledgment that there are highs and lows for all moms in Lafayette, LA. Whether it’s moving through the muck of marriage with your partner or grieving the loss of a child, we truly believe that the easiest parenting path includes a close knit community of moms. There is very little that we haven’t covered at Lafayette Mom; heck we are even here to tell you about why your weight is the least interesting thing about you.

The team of writers at Lafayette Mom discuss all the important things that Lafayette, LA moms need to know, like why your kids should see a pediatric dentist and when your kids need intervention for thumb sucking.

With a team of more than 20 local moms writing for Lafayette Mom, we pride ourselves on being the premier parenting resource for raising kids in Lafayette, LA. If there’s a resource that your family is looking for and you can’t find it, we hope you will let us know.

Please World, Let Me Age in Peace I cannot tell you the number of TikTok videos that I get about botox. The number of women I know who nearly faint about finding a strand of gray hair is countless. The...
Going Through Menopause with a Toddler Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycle. It's diagnosed after you've gone 12 months without a menstrual period. Menopause can happen in your 40s or 50s, but the average...
It wasn't meant to be a career. It started out as a part-time job to earn a little money and ease myself back into the workforce after staying home with my son. But then something surprising happened: I fell in...
How My Husband’s Unemployment Helped My Marriage My husband and I have been employed in some form or fashion since high school. We often like to look back on our diverse experiences from coaching gymnastics to being on a nighttime...

2023 and the New Me

Tradition has it that every new year people make resolutions for a bright new beginning--out with the old, in with the new. I have never really been a new year's resolution partaker, yet for this upcoming 2023 it seems...
Christmas has come and gone. Here in south Louisiana, the countdown to Mardi Gras has begun. Every year around this time, my timeline is full of those New Year, New Me posts. I know I am not alone. Let...
Congratulations! You survived 2022! How did it go? Did you make resolutions back in January? Did you stick to them? Personally, my resolutions always really struggle to hold on for more than a few weeks, and by spring, they're...
It may sound counterintuitive to want a flexible resolution, but in my case, it’s necessary.  I have lived most of my life in black and white. I was raised in an extremely orderly household but grew up with a lot...
As this year comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to say how much we truly value, appreciate and respect each and every one of you. We also wanted to share the 10 most popular blog posts...
I love my 30s so far. Don’t get me wrong, my 20s were a blast. I graduated college, bought my first home, got married, and had babies. It was a whirlwind of a decade. But even just dabbling into...




Worth The Drive :: St. Rose Flower Farm in St. Martinville,...

Worth The Drive :: St. Rose Flower Farm in St. Martinville, LA A coworker recently told me about a hidden gem in St. Martinville, Louisiana...