My first two children were born 12 months apart. You know what they call that? Irish Twins Oh we have the luck o' the Irish in our blood. Walking around wearing a baby, while holding a baby, is a tough gig. You...
Five years ago, my husband and I spent the best $100 of our lives by joining Financial Peace University. FPU is a 9-week class hosted by Dave Ramsey, author of Total Money Makeover and Complete Guide to Money. This...
So far, my husband and I are the first couple within our immediate group of friends to have children. Has this fact affected our social lives? Yes. Has it been a detriment to our friendships? Not the ones that...
After months (really a year) of feeling blah – you know, not so hot, not so great ... feeling like I’m failing as a mom and wife - I’m itching to get back into my Super Mom cape. You see,...
I have been exceedingly lucky. I have had all four of my grandparents for a large majority of my life. Then, one by one, they began to pass. First, my tiny Italian Nana, who was as sweet as sugar, but took no...
baby fever

Broken Baby Fever

I am a mother to four children ages 6, 5, 3, and 1. No, those were not typos.  We are beginning to reap the benefits of children so close in age. Our oldest two are BFFs and our middle two...
My husband and I have been together for 12 years - which means a lot of text messages! In the early days, we both had flip phones so most of our texts were pretty short and to the point....
With Fixer Upper being all the rage, everyone wants to have their chance to be Joanna and Chip. I mean let's be real, they are amazing and perfect and make it look SOOOO easy!!! But, before you run out...
Two days after Christmas, I went through all of the toys in my son’s room and closet. I was "purging." We had not really cleaned out his toy collection in a while, and it was time to get rid...
Hello, my name is Christy and I’m a sucker for a sitcom, get wrapped up in the drama of the Real Housewives, and can binge watch a Netflix series with the best of them. I love to search for...




Make a Splash :: Your Lafayette Pool Guide

If you are a parent looking for things to do with kids in the Lafayette, LA area, you have come to the best place....